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Sunt un om,ca si tine.Un calator prin mintea ta.Ca m-am nascut nu e vina mea,ca am trait,e multumirea mea,dar cum ma voi duce,e planul lui Dumnezeu!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gomboti cu prune…

Ingrediente 10-20 prune (in functie de dimensiuni) 800 g cartofi fierti in coaja 250 - 300 g faina (in functie de soiul cartofilor) 2 oua intregi o lingurita rasa de sare Pesmet rumen: 250 g pesmet 100 g unt 100 g zahar tos Pentru servit: zahar pudra vanilat amestecat cu scortisoara macinata (optional)

You are my Hero…

In fiecare dimineata imi reamintesc ca nu am nimic de demonstrat nimanui.Nu trebuie sa ma justific,sa ma apar,sau sa dau explicatii,de alegerile pe care le fac.Ma vindec,ma ranesc,cresc,sufar,iubesc,invat,incerc.Tot ce conteaza,sunt mandra de mine.Nu caut validare in alta parte. It must have been cold there in my shadow , To never have sunlight on your face You were content to let me shine,that's your way, You always walked a step behind, So I was the one with all the glory, While you were the one with all the strength. A beautiful face without a name for so long, A beautiful smile to hide the pain. Did you ever know that youre my hero? And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, For you are the wind beneath my wings, It might have appeared to go unnoticed, But Ive got it all here in my heart. I want you to know I know the truth,of course I know it, I would be nothing without you, Did you ever know that youre my hero? Youre everything I wish I could be, Did I ever tell you youre my hero? Youre everything,everything I wish I could be. Oh,and I,I can fly higher than an eagle, For you are the wind beneath my wings.

Dupa nunta,in Kansas City…

Se bucura fratii impreuna,dupa nunta,in Kansas City.Binenteles Zachary are good time la Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Mark and Alice wedding…

This is the day the Lord has made.Let us rejoice and be glad in it(Psalm 118: 24).The beauty of the day is not that it is new,but that we are being made new.The glory of the day is not that it marks a change,but that we are being changed. Azi e zi de sarbatoare, Si fiecare e vesel multumit. Fratilor,surorilor,bine ati venit la noi, In Kansas City sa ne bucuram. Din alte state,mai indepartate, Din Arizona,Dallas cu totii, In Kansas ne-am unit. De n-aveti mese,nici mancari alese, Pentru aceasta sa nu va-ngrijorati, In Kansas City,totul e minunat. Masa e cantul,mancarea-i cuvantul, Si Duhul Sfant ne da tot ce dorim noi. Prin vijelie,prigoana si furtuna, Domnul cel mare pe noi ne va pazi. Cu Domnul inainte Mark si Alice Mallouk🙏🏼❤️

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

70 de ani,Emilia…

Azi 10 Septembrie,sora mea Emilia ar fi implinit 70 de ani.Pan la revedere,ramai printre stele🎼🎹🙏🏼

Monday, September 9, 2024

Au trecut 3 ani,Camelia…

Sunt 3 ani de cand esti printre stele,si in gandurile mele.Vei ramane vesnic in inima mea.Pan la revedere! 3️⃣ years ago I lost my big sister Camelia Georgiana Borcean.AKA Amy my big sister that I looked up to.I think about her every day.Today it just hits a little harder.My sister unfortunately passed away from an accidental overdose.She loved life more than anyone I knew.She was such a genuine and kind person.Literally would give the clothes off her back(she did while she was homeless herself).I mourn the loss of her joy and innocence.And celebrate 🎉 her spirit that has never left my heart 🤍 I wish I could say I was able to STAY sober after her loss.I too was struggling my own battle of addiction to alcohol.It takes what it takes.Today I celebrate 9 9 9 days sober from alcohol and chaos!I post today,in honor of my sister’s life! In honor of everyone that has lost someone to addiction,anyone struggling,anyone living proof that you can RECOVER from addiction.ONE DAY AT A TIME. Lily of the Field What shall satisfy thy life, O Lily of the field? What shall balm thy pain, Shall Calm thy strife? For life is a smoke, a vapor, And thou, O precious Lily, Art of the fading field. In a twinkle, thy life shall disappear. To love, to hate, to scorn, To live, to die are thy paths In this variegated field. O Lily, that is why thou wast born. And thou, O Lily, art of the field, Bud, blossom, bloom, and all. Thy flowering season hath a reason, But in thy season, what beauty shalt thou yield? Take heed thy day, take heed thy way, Take heed thy all and all. Eternal glory or eternal shame, Where shall thy destiny stay? -Camelia Borcean

Gomboti cu prune…

Ingrediente 10-20 prune (in functie de dimensiuni) 800 g cartofi fierti in coaja 250 - 300 g faina (in functie de soiul cartofilor) 2 oua i...