You are invincible,holding everything together by yourself without relying on anyone for financial or emotional support.You dont have many friends,as you do not trust people and would rather keep your circle small,in order to protect your already broken heart.All your friends admire you and will often turn to you for advice or when they are in need of emotional or financial support.You make a great friend,and will go out of your way to help,while juggling a million and one others things.You hardly ever complain,and if you are do,it is in jest at how busy and stressful life can be.You will often put your own needs second after those of the people closest to you.Your friends look at you with awe and admiration,they wish they could have their life as together as their Ultra Independent friend.They will moan about their work,their partners,their lack of money,in fact they will share anything and everything with you because you are always listening and when you do speak it is to tell your friends to become more independent,just like you are,after all independence is a strength.You give great advice but very rarely will you talk about your own troubles or concerns,if you do you will always finish off with,anyway I have it under control.When the table is turned and you are struggling,you won't let your friends know how much pain you are in.Internally you will be screaming and feeling emotionally battered and bruised but you will not reach out to others.Your internal voice will be shouting at you to pull it together,you have been through far worse in your life and you managed to survive,you will get through this.
About Me
- Raveca
- Sunt un om,ca si tine.Un calator prin mintea ta.Ca m-am nascut nu e vina mea,ca am trait,e multumirea mea,dar cum ma voi duce,e planul lui Dumnezeu!
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Ultra independent...
You are invincible,holding everything together by yourself without relying on anyone for financial or emotional support.You dont have many friends,as you do not trust people and would rather keep your circle small,in order to protect your already broken heart.All your friends admire you and will often turn to you for advice or when they are in need of emotional or financial support.You make a great friend,and will go out of your way to help,while juggling a million and one others things.You hardly ever complain,and if you are do,it is in jest at how busy and stressful life can be.You will often put your own needs second after those of the people closest to you.Your friends look at you with awe and admiration,they wish they could have their life as together as their Ultra Independent friend.They will moan about their work,their partners,their lack of money,in fact they will share anything and everything with you because you are always listening and when you do speak it is to tell your friends to become more independent,just like you are,after all independence is a strength.You give great advice but very rarely will you talk about your own troubles or concerns,if you do you will always finish off with,anyway I have it under control.When the table is turned and you are struggling,you won't let your friends know how much pain you are in.Internally you will be screaming and feeling emotionally battered and bruised but you will not reach out to others.Your internal voice will be shouting at you to pull it together,you have been through far worse in your life and you managed to survive,you will get through this.
Cu socoteala...
Rugul aprins...
Daca cumva te gandesti la mine,si ai vrea ca eu sa vin la tine,sa-ti scoti afara,gandul.Nu merg la tine,tu stii bine,ce-ai facut cu mine,am suferit si grai nu a ramas in mine.Nu vreau nimic de la tine,nu ma poti pacali pe mine,nici cu o ciocolata si nici cu o sarutare dreapta.Ma sarut singura pe mine,ca daca ti-as spune,toate ma doare pe mine.Recunosc ca m-am indragostit de tine,spun fara rusine,dar tu ti-ai batut joc de mine,si am plecat cu matele fripte,ca toate s-au sucit in mine,doar tacerea a venit cu mine.Esti minunat,nimic de comentat,dar am plecat,am amutit cand te-am lasat.A fost o opera de arta,ca pe-o tarta,dar fara harta.Te iubesc si acum,dar nu mai vreau nimic sa-mi spui,ca toate le agat in cui.Nu trece o zi,sa nu ma gandesc la tine,ca doar asa,eu ma simt mai bine,dar tu ai ramas o amintire.Drumul e deschis pentru tine,alege ce crezi ca e mai bine,si nu te fa de rusine.Daca ma gandesc,cum de am putut chiar la varsta asta sa ma indragostesc,cred ca suieresc ori aiuresc.Am stat cu tine de zeci de ani,si niciodata nu m-am gandit ca pot sa te iubesc.Ceva a venit peste mine,si a dat ochii cu tine,si am crezut ca te pot prinde,bine.Totusi povestea la inceput a fost frumoasa,apoi mai dragastoasa,si cand am plecat de acolo,ti-a ramas casa goala.Nu a fost goala de mine,ci de aventurile mele,ce te-a amuzat pe tine,cand ai vazut ca sunt o nebuna,ca tine.Multe sentimente si evenimente,dar fara randamente.Nici bine nu te cunosc,nici nu stiu cu ce te socoti,si cati zloti mai coci,sau te strofoci,nu am avut cum,sa te cunosc.Ne-am cunoscut demult,multi pasi am facut ca la mine tu sa te uiti,doar te-ai facut ca uiti.Zile si nopti la rand,am dormit cu tine in gand,cateodata si plangand,dar tu nu ai avut cu mine,nimic de gand.Din nou a fost un gand,care m-a pus pe gand,sa vad ce ai de gand?Sa-ti iei gandul de la mine,dar nu ma forta,ca nu ies din gand de la tine.Vreau sa stii ca sunt bine,si cand mi-e dor,ma gandesc la tine,si din nou ma indragostesc,de mine.Sunt un foc nestins,ca tu in mine l-ai aprins,si am ajuns la rugul aprins.Cred ca te-ai prins,nimic si nici pe tine nu te-am prins,dar nu m-am stins.Dragostea a invins,jarul s-a intins,si focul nu s-a stins!IUBIRE esti de neinvins!
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