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Sunt un om,ca si tine.Un calator prin mintea ta.Ca m-am nascut nu e vina mea,ca am trait,e multumirea mea,dar cum ma voi duce,e planul lui Dumnezeu!

Monday, January 4, 2021

Words of golden days...

Don’t assume you know what people need,you’re not a mind reader.Everyone is unique,treat people according to their individual needs and desires.See the good in people.Make people feel special.Be the first to give.Give for the right reason.Listen to others.Communicate.Keep an open mind.Give people a chance.Tell it like it is.Work hard.Be tolerant.Be informed.Forgive and forget.Be grateful.Show your appreciation and never take anything for granted.The Golden Rule is not just a nicety,it’s a way of life.

Mai avem putin de mers…

Cine este omul care doreste viata si vrea sa aiba parte de zile fericite?Fereste-ti limba de rau si buzele de cuvinte inselatoare!Departeaz...