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Sunt un om,ca si tine.Un calator prin mintea ta.Ca m-am nascut nu e vina mea,ca am trait,e multumirea mea,dar cum ma voi duce,e planul lui Dumnezeu!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Cu inimi in durere...

So our hearts are broken today. We grieve for the families of those we lost. And we keep in our prayers the parents of those who survived. Because as blessed as they are to have their children home, they know that their child’s innocence has been torn away far too early.

~ President Barack Obama

Dear Heavenly Father,Dear Lord Jesus,
Please Dear Lord Jesus...please wipe their tears as they now rest in the comfort of Your Loving arms...Dear Prayer for the children and families of Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT:
Our Father which art in Heaven, we lift up to You the previous innocent children who have been tragically taken from us today and the members of their families whose hearts are broken and will be forever scarred.
You are the God of all comfort and only you have the power to heal a broken heart. Only You know the pain and suffering the parents are enduing today and will endure for days to come.

Let the peace of God that surpasses understanding fill the hearts and minds of all who suffer form this unspeakabale tragedy...
Lord Jesus,You have loved the little children so much....please hear the cries of our hearts as we painfully come to terms of this tragic event...Dear Lord Jesus...so many innocent little children have died...they innocent little lives have been taken away by a cruel act of human nature..
Please Dear Lord Jesus...please comfort the pains and agonies of the grieving families that are left behind...
Please Dear Lord Jesus...please let Your love return to our broken lives...
This I seek and pray for in Your Mighty name Dear Lord Jesus...We all lost today. As a society we lost. We lost children, and teachers, and mothers. We lost an already very lost soul. Yes, we lost him too. We are all one and when tragedies like this happen it is our duty to remember that truth more than ever.
What is done to one is done to all. What is done by one is done by all. Not just the ones we like or don't. Not just the heroes, the innocent, or the dark. To all. By all. We have to stand in the face of the shadow of it and acknowledge the depth of ourselves too. We are love and judgement and self-loathing and compassion and disconnect and beauty...Each one of us is a reflection of the other and each of us a complex union of emotion and spirit. It's why we react so viscerally to such atrocities. In this moment as you send love and light out to those in Connecticut, please don't forget to send it to yourself and to all mankind. If we all focus on loving the whole we just may find our way back to the love within where forgiveness is a given and compassion is how we live...We join together with heavy hearts for the lives that were lost today in the senseless massacre at an elementary school in Connecticut. Lord we pray for the families that lost loved ones....we pray for the children who were witnesses to such terror...we pray for each life that has been irrevocably changed in a matter of minutes by a senseless act of violence. Lord, we ask that you will make yourself so real and present to those that are grieving at this moment and we ask for your grace and mercy to fall upon this community that is in shock over today's events.Father, we pray for your comfort. Lord, when such tragedies happen it brings home the fact that life is precious and is not to be taken for granted. Everything can change in a blink of an eye. May every parent hold their children a little closer and cherish the gift that they have been given. May strained relationships be healed and repaired while there is still timeLord, we will never make sense of a tragedy like this or any of the violent acts that are carried out every minute, of every day, all around the world. We pray for all that are in harms way this very moment. We pray for protection and your divine intervention. We ask for your peace and comfort for those who are grieving and mourning the loss of their loved ones.Lord, your heart is grieving over the pain and sorrow and evil in this world. We thank you that there is coming a day when there will be no more tears, or pain, or violence, or death... but for today Lord, there are many that are hurting and grieving and fearful and just so sad...we ask for you to meet each need and may there be an outpouring of love to offer comfort, support and encouragement. In Jesus' name we pray...Amen...

Mai avem putin de mers…

Cine este omul care doreste viata si vrea sa aiba parte de zile fericite?Fereste-ti limba de rau si buzele de cuvinte inselatoare!Departeaz...