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Friday, January 8, 2016




Pastor Cornel Avram – (VIDEO) discurs la PROTESTUL din WASHINGTON D.C. 8 Ianuarie, 2016 #BODNARIU

Cornel Avram PROTEST Washington D.C. 8 ianuarie 2016 #BODNARIU
PART 1 – Primul video – discurs in Limba Romana…
PART 2 – In al doilea video, discursul este in Limba Engleza. Transcriptul de J.C. –
(After 15 seconds of speaking in Romanian, this pastor delivers a powerful speech to Norway in the English language).
Phoenix, AZ pastor sends message to the Norwegian government, confronting their abusive, corrupt, family-killing Barnevernet system (child welfare agency).
Pastor Cornel Avram – Phoenix Happy Valley Church
„I would like to extend a plea to the Norwegian authorities in the name of many thousands of Romanians that are spread throughout the United States. Please give back the children to the Bodnariu family. That’s why we are here.
The authorities did not respect the due process that is owed to every single human being on the face of this earth, especially to the citizen of Norway, where the law should be respected.
We are here to stand with the family and ask you in the name of God, please give them back their children.
We are here with the grandparents, the relatives, and with the entire community.
It will not stop here. We’re not going to stop. We are not going to rest. This is not the end. We are not going to be quiet, until the children are reunited with the family. That is what we stand for.
We don’t enter into politics. We don’t care about other aspects. But we do care when the rights of our brothers and sisters, and our countrymen our being stepped over, when our rights are being abused.
We’re going to speak, and we’re going to fight peacefully, with the Word, and we’re going to fast and pray.
May God bless Romania. May God bless the United States of America. May God bless Norway, and all the citizens of your beautiful country.
Break down this evil system. Break it down. It destroys family…not one family…it destroys thousands of families.
We’ve read reports. Now media is free. We can read. We can watch this mass media, and there is social media, and we know what is going on, so please give them back their children, and change this system.
Offer due process, legal due process. Offer it to every single family, and then apply the laws.
Everybody is innocent until proven guilty. This has not been respected in Bodnariu case. It has not been respected in their case, and many other cases.
So, please listen to our plea, because this is going to be the beginning.
We’re going to go like a flame throughout the world. We are not going to stop.
We care about family. We care about God. We care about our faith. We care about what the Bible teaches. And we care about what is happening in this world. So may God bless you. (Amen)”

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